Why is Geometry so Important?

Most definitely, Geometry, as a subject, would never be included in school curriculums, if it was not extremely important in our lives. Geometry, just like all other branches of Mathematics, has its unique importance which requires our meticulous attention. As a branch of Mathematics, Geometry deals with the properties of space and the features of figures, including figures’ shapes, sizes, and their position.

If we look at everything that surrounds us, we will see that geometric principles occur all around us. Let’s begin with the stars, which besides magnifying the skies, have been measurement instruments for exploring the universe. Measuring how much the Earth has moved and comparing it to the angles through which the stars move, by using geometry, astronomers are able to calculate the distance between different stars. By the help of Geometry, if we haven’t been able to explore all the universe, at least we understand how it works.

If we didn’t have Geometry, it would never be possible for us to have a map, or to even think of one. Without Geometry, we wouldn’t have the stunning buildings, gardens, road systems, or anything else which makes our lives functional and beautiful. Considering that everywhere we look we find Geometry, we must understand that most of the professions require a foundational understanding of Geometry. Almost all the concepts which are learned through the study of Geometry are required to be used in construction, decorating, astronomy, mapping, measuring, computer graphics, robotics, medical imagining, structural engineering, protein modeling, physics, chemistry, biology, and even sports.

Thus, don’t you want to be better prepared by understanding the relationship between shapes and sizes and being able to apply them in you daily lives? Geometry will enable you to have a much better visual ability, expanding your imagination and 3-D thinking. It helps you think out of the box and become logical when dealing with challenging problems.

We strongly recommend that you study Geometry to gain tremendous advantage out of it. Don’t study it just because you must. Even if you don’t like it, try to learn the basics and have an introductory understanding of it, as it will help you widen your horizon.